From the President

Happy new year wishes to all. We are looking forward to a great 2025, with many speakers organised already and our Winter seminar confirmed, on the theme of ‘Nature as Muse’ (please note Saturday 24 May in your diary).

2024 ended with a super Christmas supper and show and tell, on the theme of ‘Celebratory Comestibles’, focusing on the artifacts and objects that accompany festive foods. It was great to see so many members and hear their stories. We saw 17th century delft, (and ‘little boys’ – brandy soaked raisins), mid century Murano glass, beautiful 18th century Bow and Derby porcelain and late 20th century ‘Fabergé’ eggs; and numerous other wonderful pieces. There were also items associated with lovely personal memories and one member brought her own beautiful works, including striking nativity scenes painted on bone china.

Also in December, we received our next round of submissions from RMIT ceramics students for the Circle’s annual award in honour of Patricia Begg OAM and Chris Begg. The subcommittee will review the submissions in February 2025 and the successful applicant will present to a Circle meeting later in the year.

At our first 2025 meeting, in February, I will speak on ‘Staffordshire Treasure: visiting the Potteries Museum in Stoke-on-Trent’. Staffordshire was the heart of the English pottery industry and has a magnificent collection of vernacular English pottery that covers over 4,000 years. This includes Romano/British wares, a comprehensive collection of 17th and 18th century slipware, beautiful tea-wares and 20th century and contemporary contributions. Sadly, in one evening, I will not be able to show you everything, but hope to at least whet your appetites.

We will have our Annual General Meeting in March with another ‘show and tell’, and the theme will be ‘All that Glitters is not Gold’; but please don’t take a strict interpretation – anything that has any glittery aspect (including gold) is within our ambit.

Please take care, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Genine Wallinga

President, January 2025


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